Hartford Fed Now October 2024 | TradingTips.com

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The FedNow May Be A Calculated Attack On Your Freedom

Trading Tips

In the wake of the controversial Executive Order 14067…

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have launched FedNow – a move many are calling the BIGGEST 401(k) heist of the century.

While America slept, FedNow was silently ‘installed’ across millions of US bank accounts.

Biden and his scheming cronies want you to believe it’s a harmless money transfer network, but insiders know the truth:

“FedNow Is A Trojan Horse For The Digital Dollar.”

You see…

The FedNow can reroute TRILLIONS of dollars in daily transactions… bypassing the traditional banking system and placing your savings directly under the government's microscope.

Imagine waking up to find your life's savings at the mercy of a digital ON/OFF switch.

Haven't taken a mandated booster shot? Your money could be frozen. Donated to a cause they don't approve of?

Say goodbye to your retirement nest egg!

Even Bloomberg’s #1 forecaster didn't mince words: “FedNow’s purpose is to KILL the U.S. dollar as a paper currency”…

And Fox News also warned that the government can now finally “eliminate cash… and take away unspent digital dollars”.

But there’s good news…

Because thanks to a recently rediscovered Tax Loophole silently left open by Pres. Trump…

You can shield your hard-earned retirement wealth from this impending government heist.

Thousands of Americans are already using it to fight back and safeguard their freedom, privacy and financial future.

And this exclusive “Digital Dollar Guide” shows you the a simple yet little-known way to take advantage of this IRS-Proof, Tax-Free Loophole.

But time is running out. So secure your 100% FREE, no-strings-attached copy RIGHT NOW before it’s too late.

You owe it to yourself and your family to protect what’s rightfully yours.

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