It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally, something completely unique comes across my radar.
In this case, I’m talking about what might be the last genuine trading loophole in existence.
And it has the potential to lead everyday investors to explosive opportunities.
Until now, it's been happening completely under the radar.
But thanks to a new market anomaly studied by Princeton, Vanderbilt along with an obscure rule found is SEC rule 10b5-1.
We can now target gains of 100% or more on a weekly basis.
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It all hinges on a secret loophole and a single green line.
And while I cannot promise future returns or against losses, it’s happened twenty three times over the last year…
That was twenty three opportunities for you to have made money-doubling returns.
For a limited time, you have an exclusive opportunity to access the distilled wisdom of Lance Ippolito and Steven Place, at absolutely no cost.
To Learn their strategies and implement them in your own trading.
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DISCLAIMER: FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. The materials presented from Global Profit Systems International are for your informational purposes only. Neither Global Profit Systems International nor its employees offer investment, legal or tax advice of any kind, and the analysis displayed with various tools does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice and should not be interpreted as such. Using the data and analysis contained in the materials for reasons other than the informational purposes intended is at the user’s own risk. Since the strategy’s inception on July 20, 2023, through March 5, 2024, it is 18-7 for a 72% win rate with an average gain of 15.7% including the winners and losers. The average hold time is two days.)