Due to program changes in recent years, you can now learn how to cash in on 12 buried retirement benefits you never knew existed.
Including parent benefits… child benefits… spousal benefits… widow benefits… divorcee benefits… and more!
All you have to do to boost your monthly income is sit down and check the right boxes on your benefits form.
But there’s a maze of 2,728 regulations when it comes to getting the right benefits.
That’s why I want to send you a brand-new retirement handbook that’s showing Americans up to $111,000 in buried income from this organization.
This revolutionary book is written by a Harvard graduate and former senior economist in President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers.
He wants to get this book in the hands of every American retiree… because bureaucrats have made it insanely hard to navigate this program. It’s a national disgrace.
So, I’ve reserved a copy of this book for you… and I’ll even pay for shipping, if you act fast.