Option Genius June CTO | TradingTips.com

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It Took 12 Years To Build This Indicator

12 years ago I noticed a pattern happening in the S&P 500.

I couldn’t predict when it would happen, but every time it did, my trades won.

By trading only on pattern days, my overall winning percentage went sky-high.

In fact, there have been multiple years where I did not have a single losing trade!

The results were so good that I started a hedge fund where I trade this pattern.

But I needed a way to make it more concrete.

So I hired a team of programmers and mathematicians to turn this pattern into an algorithm.

Now, whenever the pattern occurs, the algorithm gives me a Signal and I can trade with more confidence.

In 2023, there have been 65 trades so far, and ALL 65 have been winners. (Real money trades)

The Signal is the secret behind my Market Power Method strategy.

I only trade when I get a Signal.

I only trade the S&P 500

And the trades are only 1-day trades that take 5 minutes to do.

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