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The Perfect AI Stock Under $10

If you’re looking for a great AI stock under $10... you need to watch this right away.

What the company is doing is pretty incredible. It could end up saving billions of lives... and billions of dollars.

In short, the company is the creator of the first AI-designed drug to enter clinical trials.

And this is a huge deal.

Normally, bringing a new drug to market takes an average of 10 years and between $2.5 and $12 billion.

However, new AI technology has the potential to make the process up to 1000 times faster.

The Wall Street Journal reports that "the time required for the early stages of drug discovery could shrink from years to months."

Not only that, it has the potential to develop "never-before-seen molecules that could treat diseases like pancreatic cancer or ALS."

In short, this is groundbreaking stuff.

And this #1 AI company is at the forefront of all of it.

The biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world are lining up to work with them.

For example...

  • Merck is collaborating with them on three projects that could generate up to $674 million in revenue.
  • French pharma giant Sanofi agreed to pay the company up to $5.2 billion to develop 15 new drugs.
  • Bristol Meyers Squibb signed a $1.2 billion partnership with the company.

And yet... the company I’m talking about is valued at just over $500 million today. And it trades for less than $10.

In other words, these deals have the potential to drive the stock many times higher in the months and years ahead.

So again, if you’re looking for a great AI stock to own, you need to watch this presentation right away.

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