i2i – CXBMF December 2024 | TradingTips.com

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This Young Company is Beating Gold at Its Own Game

Gold has caught the attention of investors worldwide, soaring 25% year to date in the same time period the S&P has only risen by 17%...

Analysts are now looking for the surge to continue to $3,000.

And as always, there's a standout...

  • This young gold company has more than doubled gold's return with no signs of slowing down.
  • Analysts have set price targets nearly double its current valuation!
  • Institutional investors are taking notice, spotlighting this company's incredible potential.

Discover what over 40 investment banks and funds have already found out: it has potential to be a gold mine for investors.

(This message is a paid advertisement for CXBMF from Calibre Mining Corp. Wealthpire, Inc. has received a fixed fee of $2,500 from i2i Marketing Group for multiple Dedicated Email Sends, and Newsletter Sponsorships. Other than the compensation received for this advertisement sent to subscribers, Wealthpire, Inc. and its principals are not affiliated with either Calibre Mining Corp (CXBMF) or i2i Marketing Group. Wealthpire, Inc. and its principals do not own any of the stocks mentioned in this email or in the article that this email links to. Neither Wealthpire, Inc. nor its principals are FINRA-registered broker-dealers or investment advisers. The content of this email should not be taken as advice, an endorsement, or a recommendation from Wealthpire, Inc. to buy or sell any security. Wealthpire, Inc. has not evaluated the accuracy of any claims made in this advertisement. Wealthpire, Inc. recommends that investors do their own independent research and consult with a qualified investment professional before buying or selling any security. Investing is inherently risky. Past-performance is not indicative of future results. Please see the disclaimer regarding Calibre Mining Corp (CXBMF) on i2i Marketing Group website for additional information about the relationship between i2i Marketing Group and Calibre Mining Corp (CXBMF).)

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