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Get Ready for the $16.8 Trillion Reboot of Our Economy

Global “Reboot” Required

Dear Reader,

You'd better take a second to read this...

See, according to the man who’s been called “America’s #1 futurist” … “Wall Street’s most influential technology trader” … and “a true American genius” …

And whose advice is so respected he’s held one-on-one meetings with a U.S. president and was featured by Forbes, Wired and even Playboy magazine…

It’s simply too late for small steps anymore.

The situation we’re in now…

With its deeply rooted financial risks, security risks and privacy threats…

Is now so dangerous that it will require nothing less than a “GLOBAL REBOOT” that could rewire as much $16.8 trillion of our world economy.

Here’s the good news — this reboot won’t just change everything you know about earning, saving and investing your money. It could also give you a chance to get very, very rich.

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